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Armourbearer Ministry

This ministry is committed to serving the man of God and woman of God with a spirit of excellence. This ministry is a very strong support both physically and spiritually to our 1st Family. These individuals are appointed by the Senior Pastor.

Elder Robert Brown, Pastor

Alpha II Omega College Ministry

The Alpha II Omega College Ministry ministers to the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of the college students.  As a mode of evangelism, this ministry conducts bible studies and fellowships on local campuses.

Elder Eric Robert

Angel All-Star Cheerleaders 

Sis. Courtney Virgin

Sis. Cherry & Sherry Wilmore

Announcers Guilds

Sis.Sochile Harris

Bereavement Ministry

The bereavement ministry's focus is to assist those who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

Elder Rose Green, Pastor

Church School

The Church School ministry systematic bible teaching that focuses its application on Christian life, service, lay instruction and evangelism for all groups within the church.

Community Impact

Elder Darlene McGuire, Director

Deacon Ministry

The Deacon Ministry assists the Pastor, congregation and community. This position is appointed by our Senior Pastor.

Deacon Richard Scott, Chairman

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