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Armourbearer Ministry

 This ministry is committed to serving the man of God and woman of God with a spirit of excellence. This ministry is a very strong support both physically and spiritually to our 1st Family. These individuals are appointed by the Senior Pastor.

​-Elder Robert Brown, Pastor

Alpha II Omega College Ministry


The Alpha II Omega College Ministry ministers to the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of the college students.  As a mode of evangelism, this ministry conducts bible studies and fellowships on local campuses. 

​-Elder Eric Robert

Bereavement Ministry

The Bereavement ministry's focus is to assist those who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

- Elder Debra Washington  

Church School

The Church School ministry is systematic bible teaching that focuses its application on Christian life, service, lay instruction and evangelism for all groups within the church.

Community Impact


Elder Darlene McGuire, Director


Deacon Ministry


The Deacon Ministry assists the Pastor, congregation and community. This position is appointed by our Senior Pastor.

Deacon Richard Scott, Chairman
Deaconess Ministry
The Deaconess Ministry assists the Pastor, congregation and community. This position is appointed by our Senior Pastor.


Evangelism Ministry

The Evangelism Ministry’s major responsibility is to win the lost at any cost.  Practical training is provided to equip the Saints for effective soul winning.

Elders Juan and Chanel McKinley, Pastors​

Generation Blessed Youth and Teen Ministry


The Youth Ministry meets the spiritual, social and emotional needs of our young people ages 5-18.

MANdate Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry ministers to all men and young men of the Beacon Light Church Family.

​-Elder Clarence Robinson, Jr.

Elder Clarence Robinson, Pastor
Greeters Ministry
The Greeters Ministry extends the spirit of hospitality to family members and visitors attending all scheduled services and events.

-Sis. Gwen Jones

Health and Wellness Ministry

The Health and Wellness Ministry serves to integrate wellness and spirituality by empowering the concept of Wholeness: Body, Mind, and Spirit. Encouraging the engagement of healthy lifestyle changes, promoting preventative health education awareness and equipping family members and the community with health information and resources.

Heart of Compassion Homeless Ministry


Intercessory Prayer Ministry

The Intercessory Prayer Ministry is responsible for under girding the church, our pastor and membership as a whole  in prayer. This ministry is responsible for setting the atmosphere of worship prior to Sunday Service, Bible Studies and any ministry events.

- Elder Margie B. Scott​

Iron Sharpens Iron Drug and Addiction Ministry

Iron Sharpens Iron (I.S.I) Drug Ministry is designed to offer spiritual hope, help, and healing to individuals who have a desire to mature spiritually and emotionally in the area of addiction.


Kingdom First Ministries


-Elder Annie Stewart



Lighthouse Bookstore


Light 10 Mentoring Program


Sis. Tiffany Garth & Elder Charles Brown



Marriage and Family Ministry
The Marriage and Family Ministry purpose is to assist married couples in building and maintain a relationship with one another and their families, which is honorable unto God by way of practical applications using biblical principles and fellowships.


Media and Marketing Ministry
The Media and Marketing Ministry is responsible for making sure that ministry events are communicated to the public via radio, television, internet, billboard, newspaper, etc.

Minssterial Alliance
The Ministerial Alliance is a major spiritual support to the Pastor. This alliance is structured so that those persons acknowledging their call to 5-fold ministry is properly trained and equipped to minister the Gospel effectively in any given setting (Sunday Service, Conference, Bible Study etc.).

​- Elder Rose Green and Elder Clarence Robinson, Jr.- Facilitators

Worship & Arts Ministry
The Music Ministry consists of members of all ages used by God to minister His message through song. 

Elder Ayanna Griffin, Pastor

New Members Ministry

The New Member’s Ministry is responsible for making sure that all members who have become a part of the “Family of Light” are well orientated through the New Members Orientation.

- Elder Oscar J. West-Pastor

Nurses Guild Ministry
The Nurses Guild ministry is responsible for assisting the Pastor and all clergy by making sure they are adequately served. This position is appointed by our Senior Pastor.


Sis. Tonya Harris

Outer Courts Ministry


Presentation Ministry


The Presentation Ministry serves as an aid to the worship experience. It provides full audible and visual support to the congregation throughout all scheduled services and events.

Protocol Ministry


Elder Brandi Thompson, Facilitator



Iron Sharpens Iron Prison Ministry
The Prison Ministry is responsible for reaching out to both youth and adults who are incarcerated. The ministry provides a support system by making normal visits to share the Word of God and sending inspirational cards to uplift the spirits of those incarcerated offering a voice of Hope.

Elder Gail Van Doorne, Women's Prison Ministry

Elder Juan McKinley, Men's Prison Ministry


Seasoned Citizens Ministry



Singles With A Purpose (S.W.A.P.) Single's Ministry

The Singles ministry is designed to meet the needs of our single family members. All single members are a part of this ministry.

Security Department


Bro. Charles Clark, III



Store House Ministry

Transportation Ministry
The Transportation ministry provides transportation to members who desire to attend church services and bible study.


Deacon Cordell Lyons



Ushers Ministry
The Ushers ministry greets and seats our family members and visitors upon entering the sanctuary.

-Sis. Daisy Gray, Facilitator

Vessels Unto Honor Women’s Ministry
The Women's Ministry is designed to minister to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of all females affiliated with the ministry and those within theTri-Parish area.

Lady Lanette Andrew, Pastor



CARE Visitation Ministry

 Elder Earlesy Prince & Elder Sandra Prince




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